Welcome to our Book Discussion




The Book Study Group will meet this Wednesday, Dec. 18th, at 1:30 – 3:00pm on Zoom. Please contact Linda at lsw923@comcast.net for the link. We will continue reading from in chapter 3, “A Brave Posture,” in our book, Which Way is Up? Finding Heart in the Hardest of Times, by Susan Gillis Chapman. We welcome you!

The Buddhist Study Book Discussion Group. The book discussion group first met in November of 2017. The first book we read coincidentally was The Places That Scare You, by Pema Chodron. Since that first meeting, the group has grown and found its path. We read each title, then take our time discussing it. Everyone who cares to can share about the book; we stay on each chapter as long as members want to talk about it. We help each other understand the Buddhist principles contained in the readings. The discussions are often lively, in depth, and meaningful to participants. All Members of the Buddhist Study Group are welcome to join us.


                        Recent Titles Of Books Already Read

            Managed by Linda Walonen – lsw923@comcast.net
Anger Thich Nhat Hanh Linda Walonen
Pay Attention for Goodness Sake Slyvia Boorstein Linda Walonen
The Power of the Open Question Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel Linda Walonen
Choosing Compassion Anam Thubten Linda Walonen
Practicing Peace in Times of War Pema Chodron Linda Walonen
Real Life Sharon Salzburg Linda Walonen
The Wise Heart Jack Kornfield Linda Walonen
Ordinary Wonder Charlotte Joko Beck Linda Walonen
Embracing Each Moment Anam Thubten Linda Walonen